Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

Our Mission

Armstrong Elementary’s Counseling Department believes in encouraging a community of self-motivated, curious learners who show consistent resilience, cooperation in all settings, and respect for themselves, others, and their surroundings.

Our Vision 

Armstrong Elementary’s Counseling Department is committed to supporting each student as they strive to reach their academic, social, and emotional potential. Through various interventions and presentations, students will learn and reinforce a variety of skills essential to personal success. Interventions and presentations may include:

  • Individual counseling sessions for students who need personalized interventions or attention

  • Small group counseling focused on difficulties that may arise for students throughout the year

  • Whole class lessons focusing on character building, utilizing Character Counts curriculum

  • Staff development sessions

  • Integration of PBIS concepts in counseling curriculum, creating common language and behavioral expectations for the school ,

  • Consultation and collaboration with staff regarding students, curriculum, and pedagogy

  • Open communication with parents

  • Parent education events and workshops to address a plethora of topics and skills

  • Knowledge and referral of community resources

Our Beliefs

  • All students are capable of achieving at high levels

  • Students are more open to learning when they feel safe and happy at school

  • A classroom should be a community built on respect and cooperation

  • Each student is unique and special, with their own strengths and talents

  • Positive approaches to teaching and education build student confidence

  • Creating high expectations through rigor and positive reinforcement increases student engagement

  • School-home connections are a key factor in student success

  • An effective counseling relationship is built on mutual trust and respect

  • All students deserve an classroom environment where  best practices consistently enhance 21st century skills