Attendance Procedures

Procedures and policies regarding student attendance

If your child is absent, please be specific about the reason why they are not attending school today. Be sure to indicate whether your child has any of the following symptoms: 

  • Feeling feverish or chills
  • Fever greater than or equal to 100.4 F
  • Headache (not due to another health condition, hunger, menstrual cramps stress, or injury)
  • A new cough (not due to another health condition)
  • Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties (not due to diagnosed respiratory condition or if different than normal pattern of chronic condition)
  • A new sore throat (not due to another health condition)
  • Congestion or runny nose (not related to allergies or health condition)
  • Fatigue (more tired than normal or sudden onset)
  • New muscle pain (not due to another health condition or that may have been caused by a specific activity such as physical exercise)
  • New loss of taste, smell, or appetite
  • Abdominal pain (not due to hunger, constipation, injury, or stress)
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea


Report a student absence one of the following ways:

Students form important habits early, as they begin to develop responsibility for coming to school on time and being prepared and ready to learn. Parents or guardians need to encourage good habits like sleep and eating and study habits so that students are ready to learn. Teachers, administrators, counselors, and other support professionals can help students adjust to routines, learn expectations, and develop academic and social competence.

Virginia requires that all children between the ages of five and eighteen be enrolled in school and attend on a daily basis. Any student who fails to report to school for a total of five scheduled school days (unexcused) for the school year may be referred to a school attendance officer for further action. When a referral is received, the school attendance officer will attempt to interview the student, parent, and other relevant parties to develop a plan to resolve the attendance issue. A student who is absent from school for 15 consecutive days or more is withdrawn from school and must officially register again upon his or her return to school.

Parents or guardians should call the attendance line at 703-375-4848 in the morning before attendance is taken, to let the school know of any tardiness or absence. For students at Armstrong Elementary School, attendance is checked daily at 9:30 a.m. We will communicate quickly with parents or guardians when a student does not come to school as expected. Parents should receive calls and emails within 30 minutes via an automated attendance calling system or by the school.